From the novice to the advanced player, LA Galaxy Park offers 5v5 leagues that suit all skill sets. We strive to foster a fun, enjoyable and competitive atmosphere. Adult Leagues at LA Galaxy Park consist of one game a week for a 10-week season. Registration is open to players 18 or older.

- 10 game-season guaranteed (8 regular games, 2 playoff games or 2 consolation games)
- 2×25-minute halves
- One Association Referee per Court
- Champions win an award and receive half-off registration for the next season
- Special Ticket & Swag Offerings
- Spring Season: Week of March 31st – Week of June 6th
- 10 weeks with 8 regular season games & 2 Playoff/Consolation Games
- Full Team: $795
- Individual Player: $120